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Recurrent miscarriages.

Recurrent Miscarriages: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Miscarriage is a very sad experience and if it recurs it can become traumatic. Approximately 15 % of pregnancies end in miscarriage before the ninth week of pregnancy.

Recurrent miscarriages are when two or more non-evolving pregnancies occur consecutively. In these cases, each miscarriage increases the likelihood of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies, as it indicates that there is a common cause.


Genetic Alterations

Icono que representa protección contra virus con un escudo y microorganismos, simbolizando seguridad y salud.

2- Autoimmune Disorders

Inherited coagulation disorders: Genetic thrombophilia

Hereditary Blood Clotting Disorders: Genetic Thrombophilia

Common Misconceptions About Recurrent Miscarriages

Thyroid alterations and diabetes, if medically controlled, are NOT causes of miscarriages. There is also no scientific evidence that hyperprolactinemia or luteal phase deficiency are.

  • There are infections like listeriosis that in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause it to be interrupted but infections are NOT a cause of recurrent miscarriage.
  • Intense stress affects the regulation of cortisol and catecholamines. This can reduce the oxygen supply to the foetus and thus induce foetal growth retardation but it is NOT a cause of miscarriage.
  • In many patients who have had miscarriages, the cause is not known even if diagnostic tests are performed. There is still much to research in this regard but what is important is to know if it will recur. According to publications, the risk of miscarriage is 25 % with 2 consecutive previous miscarriages, 45 % with 3 consecutive previous miscarriages and 54 % with 4 consecutive previous miscarriages. This is what general statistics indicate but some causes increase or decrease this risk: it is higher if antiphospholipid syndrome is diagnosed and it is lower if it is assumed that the miscarriages were due to advanced maternal age and if the next pregnancy occurs with the transfer of a chromosomically analysed embryo.

In the last 10 years, we have made significant advances in diagnosing recurrent miscarriages of embryonic origin. El gran reto se encuentra en mejorar el diagnóstico del aborto de repetición de origen materno. This continues to be our battle in research. The fact that in many cases the cause is unknown and that the next pregnancy develops normally has given rise to all kinds of diagnoses and treatments.


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