Embryonic medicine
Embryonic medicine is a multidisciplinary science involving doctors, embryologists and geneticists specialised in embryo analysis. Its aim is to promote the birth of healthy children free of chromosomal syndromes or hereditary diseases. Embryonic medicine considers each embryo as a small patient.
When applied to patients with failures in IVF processes, it is found that many of these embryos have alterations in the chromosomes and we know that these alterations increase considerably as the woman’s age increases and also in cases of poor semen quality.
Embryonic medicine also allows us to know if the causes of these alterations are of male origin by means of techniques that can analyse the chromosomal load of the spermatozoa such as meiosis and FISH.
In short, all these techniques allow us to know the reason why previous attempts at pregnancy may have failed and, in turn, favour the possibility of healthy children being born.