A selected group of specialists meet at Institut Marquès to discuss the future of assisted reproduction.
The ‘Meeting of opinion leaders in infertility 2022’ is part of the events that Institut Marquès holds throughout the year to commemorate its centenary.
On this occasion, fifteen specialists who currently head the reproductive medicine units of some of the most important centres in Spain have been brought together.
The objective: to share, behind closed doors, their points of view on the challenges facing Assisted Reproduction today and in the future.
The participants were chosen by their peers to take part in this two-day meeting in Barcelona.
Technology, the use of genetic analysis as preventive medicine and the adaptation of medical treatments to an ever-changing social reality were the central themes debated by the experts at this meeting.
Sterility is a disease
Dr. Marisa López-Teijón, Director of Institut Marquès, coordinated this conference, the aim of which is to draw attention to the social and technological changes we are experiencing: ‘We are concerned about the image of frivolity and commercialisation of medicine that is being given in our sector. Also, the return to the past in terms of myths: Alternative therapies can be a complement during medical treatment, but they are not the solution. Infertility is a disease. It requires diagnosis and specialised medical treatment,’ she said. After the event, attendees participated in an informative video giving their opinion on the hottest topics in reproductive medicine: egg vitrification, the increase in the number of children born thanks to assisted reproduction, the growing use of genetic compatibility tests, the importance of technology in IVF laboratories and the adaptation of medicine to the new demands of society, are some examples.
Leaders in Assisted Reproduction Spain 2022:
Dr. Miguel Barea Dr. Isidoro Bruna Dr. Koldo Carbonero Dr. Ignacio Cristóbal Dr. Alfonso de la Fuente Dr. José Antonio Domínguez Dr.
Cora Hernández
Dr. Marisa López-Teijón
Dr. Luís Martínez Navarro Dr. Enrique Pérez de la Blanca Dr. Luís Rodríguez Tabernero Dr. Pascual Sánchez Martín Dr. Antonio Urries Dr. Jesús Zabaleta