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Our awards for excellence and research

At Institut Marquès we have a continuous desire to continue researching to discover the latest scientific and health advances. For this reason, various institutions and associations from different sectors recognize our work with outstanding awards.

Institut Marquès, National Medicine Award 2023


For the improvement of results in Assisted Reproduction, for its R&D activity and for a track record that exceeds 100 years of history, Institut Marquès has been awarded again with the National Prize for Medicine in Assisted Reproduction. This award represents new recognition for the clinical work helping patients from all over the world achieve pregnancy.

Dr. Borja Marquès, Director of Institut Marquès, collected this prestigious award at an event dedicated to the medical sector that was held in Madrid. In his speech, Dr. Marquès, made reference to research and medical advances to continue increasing the good results of Assisted Reproduction treatments. He also stressed the importance of emotional support and personalization in patient treatment. In this sense, excellence and teamwork are key, according to the center’s Director, to successfully help people who need medical treatment to start a family.

“Exceptional patient experience during fertility treatment 2023”, according to the European Fertility Society


Once again, excellence in patient treatment at Institut Marquès has been recognized by the European Fertility Society (EFS) in the annual awards of this international organization. It is the second time that this center has been awarded for the “patient experience” during their Assisted Reproduction treatment.

The internationalization of the Embryo Forest project and the protocols to guarantee a personalized experience during the embryo transfer are the two initiatives that have led the SAI to once again choose Institut Marquès as one of the best fertility clinics in the world in 2023. .

Dr. Borja Marquès, director of the center, collected the award at a meeting that took place coinciding with the annual congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Marquès highlighted at the event that“ It is a recognition of the efforts we are making to guarantee excellent care to our patients. One of our main initiatives has been the creation of a “Patient Experience” committee, which works in collaboration with all departments to maintain and improve the quality of our services .”.

Recognition of Best Practices in Vitrification for our IVF laboratory

The Institut Marquès laboratory has been awarded for its excellent clinical results in embryo and oocyte vitrification. The Kitazato brand grants these awards among Assisted Reproduction clinics that use its vitrification medium together with the Cryotop support for the cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes.

This is a quality accreditation that certifies our excellent survival rates. As a pioneer brand in the optimization of vitrification, Kitazato annually carries out a strict evaluation of the results of different laboratories, comparing their results and success rates. In 2023, Institut Marquès has been awarded its “Best Practice Recognition in Vitrification” certificate.

Award from the 10th ASEBIR Congress for a scientific contribution on the criteria of embryonic evolution

The 10th Congress of the Association for the Study of Reproductive Biology (ASEBIR), held in Cáceres, has awarded a scientific contribution from Institut Marquès that goes one step further in modifying the criteria for evaluating embryos. The study is part of a line of research opened by Institut Marquès that changes the criteria for some of the embryos that do not follow normal evolution patterns but which, as has been shown, can end up becoming a healthy baby.

Institut Marquès, Best Spanish Fertility Clinic 2021

For the second consecutive year, the GAMECHANGERS GLOBAL AWARDS (ACQ5) have recognized Institut Marquès as the Spanish clinic with the best medical practices, granting it the title of “Best Medical Practice Operator of the Year 2021”.

The platform, through an article in its magazine, has highlighted the ability of Institut Marquès to innovate and improve results in Assisted Reproduction. In addition to the use of music in In Vitro Fertilization treatments, it influences the application of new technologies in all its processes and the success of the Embryo Adoption Program, an initiative started in 2004 through which more than 2,000 children around the world.

Since its creation 18 years ago, the GAMECHANGERS Global Awards distinguish the achievements, innovation and excellence of the most outstanding organizations and professionals around the world, through strict voting among its more than 245,000 subscribers and company executives from different countries. sectors.

Dr Marisa López-Teijón, “Most Innovative Leader” according to The Silicon Review magazine

The prestigious business magazine dedicates its cover to Dr. Marisa López Teijón, whom it distinguishes as one of the leaders in her sector. Due to her career in the world of medicine and assisted reproduction, she highlights her work as a researcher and promoter of innovation in her sector

The article highlights his career, his challenges, experiences and his success story with examples such as the creation of the Institut Marquès Embryo Adoption Program or his studies on the effects of music at the beginning of life, as well as his involvement in research on the relationship between environmental toxins and fertility.

The European Fertility Society awards Institut Marquès for its excellence in patient care during fertility treatment

Certificado de los Premios Fertilidad 2021 otorgado a Institut Marquès por experiencia excepcional del paciente durante el tratamiento de fertilidad.

The European Fertility Society (EFS) has recognized Institut Marquès with the award for outstanding patient experience during fertility treatment: “ Award for Outstanding patient experience during fertility treatment” . This is one of the Fertility Care Awards 2021 that the EFS grants annually to recognize those clinics, organizations, products and services that pay special attention to the well-being of their patients in their daily lives and that stand out in key areas in Assisted Reproduction.

In his speech during the awards proclamation ceremony, Dr. Alex Garcia Faura, scientific director of Institut Marquès, defined the “daily effort to care for the well-being of our patients as an ant’s work that involves everyone.” that are part of the center.”

He also pointed out the importance of “providing special attention to men, thanks to our experience in the treatment of the male factor, with the redesign salas de obtención de semen (EPS), or the incorporation of an application a few years ago. which allows all families to see online the evolution of their embryos in the incubator, the Embryomobile ”. Embryomobile”.

«Top 5 influential Leaders in Healthcare 2023»

Dr Dr. Marisa López Teijón has been selected among the most influential leaders in health, according to The Business Fame magazine . This monthly magazine features everything from the most prominent leaders to emerging companies that aspire to revolutionize their sector. In the September issue they included Dr. López-Teijón in the ranking of “Top 5 influential Leaders in Healthcare 2023”

IGNobel Prize in Medicine, at Harvard University

Presentadores en la ceremonia de premios Ig Nobel 2017 sosteniendo un trofeo y un teléfono móvil.

Institut Marquès’ research on music at the beginning of life was recognized at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at Harvard University. Thanks to this award, the center has presented its work at the most recognized universities in the world such as Imperial College in London, Aarhus University in Copenhagen and the Karolinska Institut in Stockholm.

Doctor of the year in Assisted Reproduction 2019

The Assisted Reproduction doctors have chosen Dr. Marisa López-Teijón as “Doctor of the Year in Assisted Reproduction 2019” , in recognition of her work, her achievements, career and dedication to medicine and research. In this edition, 20 Spanish doctors from different specialties have been awarded. In the case of Dr. López Teijón, the social impact of her work in Assisted Reproduction stands out. Journalists, politicians and managers from the world of health attended the delivery gala that took place in Madrid.

The Embryos Forest, selected among the 101 business examples of #ForClimate actions.

The Corporate Social Responsibility initiative “El Bosque de los Embriones” , by Institut Marquès, has been selected by the #PorElClima Community project as one of the 101 business examples that are recognized for their commitment and work in action against the climate emergency . These 101 initiatives are part of a report that is presented in the context of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in December 2019 in Madrid.

Institut Marquès Premio Nacional de Medicina Siglo XXI en Reproducción Asistida

Una mujer con un vestido violeta brillante sostiene un trofeo en forma de estatua del Hombre de Vitruvio y sonríe durante una ceremonia de entrega de premios del Institut Marquès. Está de pie frente a un telón que detalla el evento y con la otra mano sostiene un bolso y unas gafas de sol.

For its nearly 100 years of experience, its commitment to innovation and excellence that it demonstrates every day by helping families from more than 50 countries make their dream of becoming parents come true, Institut Marquès has been awarded the“ National Award. ” of 21st Century Medicine ”in the Assisted Reproduction category. The organizing committee of the awards has highlighted the international projection of Institut Marquès and its contribution to research on the treatment of infertility, being one of the centers with the best success rates in In Vitro Fertilization and with the best technology in Assisted Reproduction.

Dt Dr. Marisa López-Teijón, Director of Institut Marquès, was in charge of collecting the award in an event that was attended by prominent members of the medical and healthcare world.

The “21st Century National Medicine Award” distinguishes the work of professionals, hospitals, clinics and institutions in the medical sector in Spain. Its purpose is to promote excellence and knowledge . The awarded professionals cover more than 30 medical specialties and, according to the jury, are distinguished by their dedication, competitiveness, effort, tenacity and creativity.

The study “Signs of self-repair of embryos in the IVF laboratory”, awarded by the SEGO

The study “ Signs of self-repair of embryos in the IVF laboratory”, recently presented by Dr. Borja Marquès in communication format elevated to the category of presentation at the 36th Congress of the Spanish Society of Gynecology (SEGO), has winning result in its category. This work proposes to change the criteria to know if embryos are suitable for transfer to the mother’s womb in In Vitro Fertilization treatments.

Embryo cells work as a team to repair themselves

The conclusions of the study indicate that embryos have a self-correction mechanism ignored until today. According to this work, embryos that have undergone reverse division (disappearance of some of their cells) or multinucleation (presence of two or more nuclei in some of their cells) can give rise to a normal pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Thanks to incubators with time-lapse cameras ( Embryoscope ), in the Institut Marquès laboratories it has been possible to capture images of embryos with reverse division reabsorbing their own cells and of multinucleated embryos expelling abnormal cells on the 4th or 5th day of life . To achieve this, the development of more than 20,000 embryos has been analyzed, from fertilization until they reached the blastocyst stage.

Institut Marquès assisted reproduction clinic with best medical practices in 2020

Institut Marquès has been recognized by the prestigious international platform ACQ5 as the assisted reproduction clinic with the best medical practices in 2020. The “Best Medical Practice Operator of the year” is part of the “ACQ5 Country Awards”, which are awarded to those organizations and individuals in the professional sector who demonstrate high rates of excellence and quality in their sector, and those who are considered to have made the greatest contribution to the growth of their country in recent years. Created in 2006, the ACQ5 Country Awards select the winners of each category each year by strict voting among its more than 215,000 subscribers. It is the oldest and most far-reaching award currently awarded in the business field. At the end of last year, nearly 110,000 votes were received to designate the 2020 winners.

The Leaders Globe selects Institut Marquès among the 30 leading health brands in 2022

The editorial of this magazine has selected the brands that currently stand out for their use of new technologies and the quality of their service. Taking into account the adaptation of these companies to the Covid-19 crisis, it has chosen those that constitute an example at an international level. Among them, Institut Marquès stands out as one of the centers that lead the world of Assisted Reproduction. The Leaders Globe is one of the largest international platforms for business magazines. Its objective is to discover the global leaders of different sectors and divulge the secrets of the success of the best brands. Institut Marquès has been included in its edition dedicated to the 30 leading health brands in 2022, highlighting its R&D effort to achieve the best results to help families around the world fulfill their dream of having a child.

The Objective Bienestar platform honors Dr. Marisa López-Teijón with the Innovation Award for her “advances in Assisted Reproduction”

The work of Dr. Marisa López-Teijón has been recognized by the digital magazine Objective Bienestar with the Innovation Award for her “advances in Assisted Reproduction.” In its sixth edition, the platform has awarded the 8 personalities and brands that have contributed the most to the well-being of women and has had sustainability as a common thread. T

he director of Institut Marquès received the award during an event held in Madrid, attended by around sixty guests, and presented by Elsa Anka. In her speech, Dr. Marisa López-Teijón highlighted how Institut Marquès faced, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the difficulties that health restrictions imposed on those who wanted to have a child through assisted reproduction techniques: innovating in telemedicine.

The VI Objective Wellbeing Awards have also been celebrated with different actions on the Internet and on social networks. Since its birth in 2014, Objective Bienestar is a publication of Prisma Publicaciones (Grupo Planeta), a pioneer in health, nutrition and healthy habits.

The Director of Institut Marquès, Dr. Marisa López-Teijón, selected among the ten most influential women in the health and medicine sector.

Bussiness Beyond Exclamation (b!) is an international magazine dedicated to the business sector from the point of view of the most influential entrepreneurs and business leaders. Its objective is to discover the people who inspire the configuration of our world and are decisive in technological evolution through their knowledge, achievements and work.

In its first issue of 2021 , it presents the ten most influential women who are making a difference in the health and medicine sector. The Beyond Exclamation! research team wanted to recognize the work and career of Dr. Marisa López-Teijón, Director of Institut Marquès, including her on her list and selecting her for the cover of this very special edition.

“The Business Fame” magazine chooses Dr. Marisa López-Teijón as one of the most innovative business leaders of 2021

The Director of Institut Marquès, Dr. Marisa López-Teijón, has received the “ The Most Innovative Business Leaders Revamping The Future 2021-V3 ” award given annually by The Business Fame magazine as “one of the most innovative business leaders who are transforming the world and inspiring others to do the same.

In this particular issue, the magazine features visionary business organizations. It publishes various stories of notable projects and companies, as well as people who have left their mark on the world through their ideas, values ​​and will.” The Business Fame” is a global media organization followed by businessmen, managers and opinion leaders.
The article dedicated to Dr. Marisa López-Teijón and Institut Marquès is titled “ Making families smile by giving them the gift of life ” and includes the key to the success of the international assisted reproduction center. It includes the words of Dr. López-Teijón: “our motivation is the patients, their stories, colleagues, promoting teamwork and everyone who is part of it.” The Director of the center adds that “our medical specialty is science, magic and art. “It is a continuous innovation to improve fertility treatments and, even with the advances in medicine, each embryo and each baby brings us the magic of the beginning of life.”

First Prize from SEGO in the Area of ​​Interest of Sterility and Infertility 2019 (35th SEGO Congress).

The presentation of the conclusions of a study on single blastocyst transfer has been awarded at the 35th edition of the National Congress of the Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO). The study demonstrates that, under optimized conditions within the In Vitro Fertilization laboratory, transferring a single embryo at the blastocyst stage minimizes the possible obstetric risks associated with multiple pregnancies and even improves pregnancy rates.

21 Elite Women in Business, 2021

Dt Dr. Marisa López-Teijón has been selected by Aspioneer magazine as one of the most outstanding professionals of 2021. Its special edition “ 21 Elite Women in Business, 2021 ”, highlights the work of those businesswomen who lead the change by breaking the “ glass ceiling” and causing an impact in the business world. This magazine is distributed internationally with subscribers around the world. It is aimed at professionals and managers of all types of organizations with the aim of keeping them informed of trends in different sectors.

Aspioneer has created a well-known “ranking” dedicated to women in business with the aim of making visible their contribution to the transformation of the economic and social system, but also to offer inspiration to all those who dream of making their way among the new generations of leaders. That is why in her interview with Dr. Marisa López-Teijón she highlights her career and the success story of Institut Marquès. This article also analyzes the future challenges in Assisted Reproduction that professionals like Dr. López-Teijón face in order to help those families who want to start a family.

The 10 Dexterous Business Leaders of 2021

The business magazine Mirror Review has become a prestigious platform for technology lovers, businessmen and entrepreneurs. In its May edition, it has chosen the Director of Institut Marquès as one of the most skilled leaders of 2021, including her in its ranking The 10 Dexterous Business Leaders of 2021 .

Dt Dr. Marisa López-Teijón has been chosen as an example of innovation and application of technological solutions in the field of Assisted Reproduction. In an extensive interview in the magazine and on the website of this international magazine, Dr. López Teijón explains how our center has managed to improve success rates in reproduction treatments thanks to the use of the latest innovations in the laboratories. of In Vitro Fertilization.

The adaptation to new times and the effort to achieve excellence in patient care have turned Institut Marquès into a recognized international center that serves patients from more than fifty countries, explains the Director of Institut Marquès.

Top 10 Most Influential Business Leaders to Follow in 2021

The 2021 special edition of Industry Wired magazine chooses the most influential leaders in the business world based on their experience and authority. This magazine published in the US has selected Dr. Marisa López-Teijón, Director of Institut Marquès, among the managers to follow during 2021. She highlights her leadership in Reproductive Medicine and her contribution to this sector. In the interview that Dr. López-Teijón offered to Industry Wired, she highlights the importance that Institut Marquès has given to innovation in gynecology, obstetrics and assisted reproduction since its inception. In this sense, the magazine highlights Dr. López-Teijón’s studies on music at the beginning of life and also on the role of men in assisted reproduction processes.

Institut Marquès, one of the 10 most innovative companies of 2020 according to CXO Fortune magazine

The well-known American magazine CXO Fortune has chosen Institut Marquès as one of the most innovative companies of the year for its contribution to the development of new technologies and for the quality of its services and treatments. Published in the August magazine, as well as on its web platform , it has dedicated an extensive report to new technologies applied to reproductive medicine at Institut Marquès.

In its article, CXO Fortune highlights the history of Institut Marquès. It attaches great importance to its history and the family nature of its origins. In today’s society, with the delay in motherhood, the appearance of new family models and the increase in fertility problems, Institut Marquès is considered by this magazine as one of the most advanced international clinics in terms of technology and services in Assisted reproduction.

Innovation & Excellence Awards 2020

Institut Marquès has been chosen as “Reference Center in Assisted Reproduction 2020” by the international Networking and corporate information platform “Corporate Live Wire”. Institut Marquès also becomes part of the annual guide to Innovation and Excellence Awards that this platform distributes to companies and professionals around the world. Nominees for this award are selected taking into account factors such as service, innovation, experience and sustainability, among others.

Dt Marisa López-Teijón receives the European Medal for Merit at Work 2019 from the European Association of Economy and Competitiveness in Madrid.

Mujer con cabello rubio y blusa blanca leyendo un discurso frente a banderas españolas y europeas.

The European Association of Economy and Competitiveness (AEDEEC) has awarded Dr. Marisa López-Teijón the European Medal for Merit at Work 2019, in recognition of her brilliant professional career and for her great work as Director of the Institut Marqués. This distinction is granted based on “optimal compliance with quality standards, customer satisfaction, years in the sector, among other parameters.”

Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Award for the best International Center in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Assisted Reproduction

Mujer sosteniendo un premio del Instituto Marqués, reconocimiento en medicina estética y salud, con flores de fondo.

This award is a recognition of its almost 100 years of existence, during which it has carried out a change in the fertility market and has ended up establishing itself as the best international reference center in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Assisted Reproduction.

Third prize of the French Reproduction Society 2019 (21st National Conference of the Society of Reproductive Medicine SFR).

Observing your embryos from your cell phone can increase pregnancy rates by up to 11%. This is the conclusion of a scientific study by Institut Marquès, presented at the French Reproduction Society (SFR). This has been awarded as the third best study, thus highlighting the work of the Institut Marquès medical team.

Most read study in the scientific journal Ultrasound.

Sello de calidad Ultrasound con texto 'Lo Más Leído' en un diseño circular azul y blanco, ideal para resaltar contenido destacado.

The journal “Ultrasound” of the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) has published our study “Fetal facial expression in response to vaginal music emission”, a pioneering investigation into fetal hearing worldwide. This publication has become the most read study in the magazine.

Award for the most interesting scientific contribution at the 12th meeting of the Irish Fertility Society.

Una mujer sostiene una tableta con el logotipo del Institut Marques, que muestra imágenes de cuatro etapas embrionarias sobre un fondo azul. Cada cuadrante muestra una etapa diferente de la división celular. Sonríe suavemente, lo que sugiere una sensación de interés o felicidad. El fondo está suavemente difuminado, lo que crea una atmósfera acogedora.

The communication on the beneficial effects of the “Embryomobile” in IVF processes has been recognized by the Irish Fertility Society at its annual meeting in Dublin.

National Award finalist Best Work SEGO 2017.

The study “Determination of the specific reference values ​​of anti-Müllerian hormone specific for Spain” was distinguished by the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics at its annual congress.