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Internacional +34 93 285 82 16
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Nacional 900 833 933
Internacional +34 93 285 82 16
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Complementary techniques Assisted reproduction


What is Polaraide (or a polariser)?

Polaraide is an optical system based on the different polarisation indices of light and is integrated with a microscope that combines liquid crystal technology. With this technique, the most important structures of the egg can be observed, such as  the meiotic spindle (the internal structure of the oocyte where its genetic material is concentrated), to avoid damaging it during the microinjection process and, thus, increasing the fertilisation rate.

We can also perfectly identify the stages of oocyte maturity, accurately analyse the egg after freezing and thawing procedures and improve embryo efficiency in cases of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT).


In what cases is it indicated?

  • Cases where there are few eggs. For example, advanced maternal age.
  • In embryos that have been subjected to freezing and thawing processes or Preimplantation Genetic Testing.

Other Complementary Techniques

Increase your chances of pregnancy even more with the most appropriate complementary techniques for your treatment.